IWM short squeeze

https://www.tradingview.com/x/NJumf4P6/ IWM daily. massive day today to engulf over a month of trading with volume. still in the same place just barely above sept peak.

https://www.tradingview.com/x/Dn5KqfV8/ IWM 30 min. glad i didnt sell my TNA yesterday. i figured the lower TL was gonna get hit but $116 would be a magnet to pull it back, but i didnt see it going all the way back up to the top. h&s is sorta possible but really sloppy. diamond is still ok but loose boundaries. while i am still bullish i dont trust this thing and will wait for a breakout.

sold into rally 14% TNA remain

IWM retesting the lows? crude failing

https://www.tradingview.com/x/KhCBno9g/ IWM hourly. nasty day but half expected thats why the sell of half yesterday. tried to get too cute today and paid the price. coulda been worse though. everyone talking about h&s in iwm. im still not sold. next couple days should be interesting.

https://www.tradingview.com/x/hwFmlrxL/ crude oil daily. this is why gas is cheaper. but also taking down a lot of energy stocks.

IWM diamond top? H&S?

https://www.tradingview.com/x/v9mw29BN/ IWM daily. 10ma and 20ma got real flat. possible diamond top? maybe lighten up tomorrow and wait for a breakout. still bullish till it gets below that july TL.

https://www.tradingview.com/x/btnrsdXn/ IWM hourly. gap from the other day was filled again. hopefully this can break out of the potential diamond top/H&S.

https://www.tradingview.com/x/CDe7SCSm/ IWM hourly (candle v SPY (line) from the V bottom. pretty even is short term bullish.

https://www.tradingview.com/x/ac9eINZt/ IWM v spy daily big divergence still. looks bearish medium term but could just be digesting.